Shipping & Delivery
We offer standard free shipping (3-7 business days) within the United States. However, for high-volume orders, some items may be out of stock in our New York warehouse. In such cases, the estimated delivery time will be 12-17 business days, which is usually reflected on the checkout page, as the order will be shipped from our international warehouse.
For international customers, a shipping fee of $14.99 applies, and delivery typically takes 12-17 business days.
According to different shipping address, it will be shipped by different express. Shipping methods we use: POST, E-POST first class, FedEx, UPS, DHL, SF-Express, etc.
When the order is shipped, we will update your account to display the tracking number on the order page. You can track the order by the tracking number we provided.
When your order is shipped, you will receive an E-mail confirmation with the tracking number.
All orders take 1-3 business days to handle.
Yes, the order can be sent to a different address than the billing address. After entering your billing address at checkout, you can enter a new shipping address.
Shipping methods we use: POST, E-POST first class, FedEx, UPS, DHL, SF-Express, etc.
We have our warehouses in United Kingdom, United States, Japan, and Canada, based on every guest’s different country and different coat, we will use different logistics methods.
All business days listed are Monday-Friday, excludes US Holidays.
Yes, we ship internationally! To check if we ship to your country, simply proceed to the checkout page and enter your shipping address. You’ll be able to see if we can deliver to your location.